Tuesday, November 1, 2011

#LisaIrwin #CyndyShort On #Tacopina - Statement Analysis

Cyndy Short's  angry husband, over the weekend,  said it wasn't Tacopina's decision; his wife didn't work for him. 
"Mr. Tacopina and I were not able to work as a team. Our goals, our approach are so different that one of us had to go and that someone is me," Short said.

Short said it was Tacopina's decision that she no longer work with the family.

"Our approaches were very different. I was here for 10 days working on the case. Mr. Tacopina was in Rome," Short said. "My idea of how to work a case is to be on the ground, to listen to people, to talk to the real people that are involved in the case. My interest was never the media," Short said...read more
