Friday, November 11, 2011

#lisaIrwin: #SkyMetalwala :EXCLUSIVE - No Apparent Problems With The Car.


A shoe of a toddler has been found about a quarter of a mile from where Sky disappeared.  A couple who was walking on 112th street found the shoe.

Bellevue police told KING 5 there is no definitive word whether this shoe belongs to Sky.  Police say dogs did not pick up on Sky's scent when they compared the shoe to an object of the 2 year old.  However, the shoe has not been fully analyzed yet.

"My daughter spotted a shoe by the side of the road and I wondered if it had anything to do. I came up took a look at it, yeah, looks like a two years old better call it in," said Paul Hurd. "This is something it's probably nothing, but who knows something small may be the key to to solving the whole case."

Police say they were told Sky did not have shoes on when he went missing.  But at this point they are checking on anything that might be a clue into Sky's disappearance.

"We've gotta make sure we follow up,  we've got a lot of resources, a lot of man hours in this so if someone calls us up we're going to look into it," said Bellevue police Officer Carla Iafrate.

Police make a direct request

Police on Thursday used an afternoon press conference to issue a direct request to Julia Biryukova that she sit down with them soon to answer questions about the disappearance of her two-year-old son, Sky Metalwala.

"I want to make a public invitation to Julia, via her attorney, and let her know that we are open and willing to interview her and take information from her when she is ready to do that," said Bellevue Police Department Maj. Mike Johnson.

The remarks are just the latest made by police signaling their frustration at Biryukova's unwillingness to talk directly with investigators searching for Sky, who was reported missing on more